Warehouses references

Find more on bonded warehouses and Transport - related services.

Number 1
Industrial storage logistics contract service
Gedis logistics
Logistics service provider, global solutions and warehousing optimisation, order preparation, sorting, packaging, dispatch, transport management, edi
zi Esinoy, rte Thennes 80110 Moreuil - FRANCE - Tel: +33 322 35 35 18 - Fax: +33 322 35 35 16
Eurofrigor srl
Mixed-use general warehouse for national international goods
11, ctr. Valle Cua 64010 Controguerra (TE) - ITALY - Tel: +39 0861 809 922 - Fax: +39 0861 809 914
Casaforte selfstorage
Self storage - spaces to rent from 2 to 40 mq. from a week to as long as you want headquarters and premises in: rome - mi - va - pd toll-free no.: 800
10, v. Alassio - 20156 Milano - ITALY - Tel: +39 0233 496 212
Entrepots hiebel
13000 m2 of indoor or outdoor storage solid or liquid warehousing. easy access - nearby switzerland and germany.
Transportation throughout france road transport chartering - forwarding consolidating - stock management.
RTE EDOUARD BRANLY 77290 Mitry Mory - FRANCE - Tel: +33 164 27 88 89
Gd service srl
Contract storage working film wrapping - logistics - publishing management - 1/11, v. r. luxemburg 20085 locate di triulzi (mi)
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